I got home from work on Friday and had 5 quarts of blueberries that my 13 yr old had picked that day. Only $9.00 for 5 quarts at the U-pick-it place, but it is also 60 miles away, so you have to figure in gas cost too. My parents brought home 10 quarts. They will freeze most of them, and we will share all winter. We rinse them lay them on cookie sheets in a single layer, and freeze them. I personally think they are good to munch on frozen!

I made 2 pies over the weekend, and one batch of my prize winning blueberry muffins. I had enough pie dough, I made my dad 2 tarts. The look just like miniture blue berry pies, but only 3 inches across. I even made little lattice tops for them!
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