Life in the Country Lane

-Just some thoughts and words on slowing down, and finding myself.

Friday, June 09, 2006

The Sweetest and Most Lovable......

Here is Chewbacca, my most lovable cat. She will purr when you even just walk near her. She is content to just sit on the back of the couch and be near you. Or if you need a furry friend to hold, she loves to be cuddled and she has the softest fur imaginable. Of all the cats I have ever owned (and that is a large number), I really think she is my favorite.


  • At 9:12 AM, Blogger Julie said…

    And in case you are wondering... NEVER let your 3 yr old name your pets... Our first cat is "Kitty", and her daughter is "Chewbacca"....


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